Emory University Hospital Midtown
Emergency Room
For more information, please contact the Emergency Department at 404-686-2435.
Emergency Department Triage
Triage is the extremely important process of quickly assessing each patient's needs and medical priority. During triage a nurse will ask you the following:
- The reason for your visit
- The medications you are currently taking
- Any allergies you may have to medications
- Your medical history
Additionally, the nurse will assess your vital signs, including your blood pressure, pulse, respiration and temperature. After evaluation by the triage nurse, you may be brought into the treatment area immediately, or you may be directed to the waiting area. Patients receive medical attention according to the perceived severity of their symptoms, illness or injury. Therefore, patients are evaluated in the order of medical necessity, rather than order of arrival. This includes patients transported to the ED by ambulance.
Although certain patients may not appear critically ill, their history, assessment and vital signs alert ED staff of the need for immediate attention. All patients should refrain from eating and drinking prior to seeing the physician due to the requirement of certain tests and procedures that may be necessary to perform during your evaluation.
Emergency Department Registration
Privacy and Confidentiality
Furthermore, upon registration, you will be provided with the Patient's Bill of Rights and the Hospital's Notice of Privacy Practices, which describes how the hospital will protect the privacy of your personal medical information.
Insurance, Billing and Financial Information
Copies are maintained to ensure the accuracy of the information entered into the computer system. Please note that all emergency services are billed separately and you may receive two or more individual billing statements for the services rendered.
The ED staff is prohibited from discussing financial information or answering questions relative to insurance coverage with patients who are receiving emergency care. If you have specific questions or concerns regarding your insurance coverage, please contact your insurance company directly at your earliest convenience.