Emory at Eagles Landing Primary Care provides the community with the excellent service and patient care you expect from Emory Healthcare. We will make every effort to see that your visit is informative and helps you lead a healthier life. Our providers are board certified in Family Medicine specializing in the healthcare needs of patients ages 3 and older.

Emory at Eagles Landing
Primary Care
Welcome to Emory at Eagles Landing Primary Care
Billing Information
Payment for all services provided is due at the time services are rendered. However, as a courtesy, Emory at Eagles Landing will submit a claim for you to any third party or insurance carrier with whom Emory Healthcare contracts. Any fees not payable by the third party or insurance carrier are the patient's responsibility. If you prefer to file your own claim, we will provide you with all of the necessary information. In this case, you will need to pay for your services in full at the time they are rendered. For more information, please call 404-778-8605.
- Internal Medicine
- Family Medicine
- Preventative Care and Wellness
- Minor Injuries
- Infections
- Flu
- Sprains
- Immunizations (children and adults)
- Managing chronic diseases, like diabetes and high blood pressure.