The Perfect Match
Written by Andrea Tortora
Photos and Design by Greta High
Video Interviews by Laurel Haislip

Christy's Health Restored by Kidney Donation from Fiancé Nick
Christy and Nick are a perfect match in more ways than one.
Growing up, Christy knew she would have some serious health challenges.
As a child, Christy became very sick with strep throat. The infection damaged her kidney. She took care to stay healthy by eating well and exercising, but the kidney damage was irreversible. Christy’s nephrologist told her she would eventually need a transplant.
Christy worked to eat well and exercise as an adult, controlling what she could about her health. When she began dating Nick, he was introduced to her illness. “I had no idea what that meant at the time,” Nick says. “I feel like most people who have strep throat probably never understand how severe it can be.” As the two fell in love, he quickly learned more about Christy’s condition as he watched her struggle.
With a family background in the fitness industry, Nick decided to help support Christy’s health to prolong the need for a transplant. Together, Nick and Christy started a nutrition and fitness routine. They ate oatmeal and eggs every morning.
“He was eager to help me through this process,” Christy says.
Then the inevitable happened: for the sake of her health, it was time for Christy to consider a kidney transplant.
That’s when Nick made the decision to get tested to see if he could be her living organ donor. “It was a very easy decision,” he says. “I never once had to hesitate.”
Christy and Nick with Dr. Tso and Nurse Samantha, part of their care team at Emory Healthcare.
Christy and Nick with Dr. Tso and Nurse Samantha, part of their care team at Emory Healthcare.
Christy and Nick with Dr. Tso and Nurse Samantha, part of their care team at Emory Healthcare.
Christy and Nick with Dr. Tso and Nurse Samantha, part of their care team at Emory Healthcare.
Planning for the Future
“This process can be very scary,” says Christy, recalling doing her research to decide where to have her kidney transplant.
At Emory Transplant Center, she felt reassured and at peace despite being overwhelmed by what was to come. Emory ranks among the top 15 transplant programs in the nation. To date, Emory’s transplant program has completed more than 10,000 transplants, supporting patients from all over the country with expert care.
“Meeting with the doctors and the entire team made me feel better about the process and helped me understand what I was about to go through,” Christy says.
Through Emory Healthcare’s kidney transplant program, she was placed on the national transplant list.
“Meeting with the doctors and the entire team made me feel better about the process and helped me understand what I was about to go through.”
— Christy, kidney transplant recipient
Then Nick began the rigorous testing process to see if he would be a match for his fiancé. Constant communication with the couple on what to expect and how to prepare continued to set Emory apart, Nick says. “You have a choice of where to go and who takes care of you,” he says. “Emory is where you want to be in this situation.”
A Pivotal Moment
When we got the call that I was a match, we knew it was a new chapter for us. This would take our lives to the next level.
The couple was at their favorite coffee shop when they got the good news—Nick was a match, and Christy wouldn’t have to wait on the transplant list for a different donor.
“We had so much hope and love for each other,” Christy says.
“When we got the call that I was a match, we knew it was a new chapter for us,” Nick says. “We knew this would take our lives to the next level.”

Holding Hands Down the Hospital Hallway
With her Emory care team, Christy prepared and underwent her kidney transplant operation.
She recalls feeling overwhelmed the night following her surgery. Her mom was with her at the hospital but was also worried—even with the procedure complete, there is round-the-clock monitoring to ensure success. It was Christy’s nurse who made all the difference.
“My nurse was right there for anything I needed, checking in and taking care of my family,” Christy says.
Michael Hawthorne, RN, says he remembers Christy being optimistic and determined. Being ambulatory is important following a major surgery, and the nurse team works with patients to slowly get moving.
"I remember she and her fiancé would walk down the hallway together, holding hands,” Michael says. “The love between them is obvious. I remember saying to her fiancé ‘now you are part of her forever.'"
Michael considers his transplant patients his family because of the strong relationships built before the procedure and after during ongoing care and clinic visits.
"We get to see them get well, go back into the community and live a healthy life. It’s very rewarding."
— Michael, RN, Emory Healthcare transplant nurse
Christy and Nick didn't have to stay at the hospital for too long. Following a living donor kidney transplant, the recipient is often able to leave the hospital as soon as the second day post-op.
These days Christy says that feeling of “walking around like you're in the dark and not sure what's going to happen from day to day” is long gone. She now enjoys daily life without constant fatigue and the need for lots of medications.
“I have more energy,” Christy says. “I don’t have to sit down because I’m tired, and I think I look different because I feel better.”
Benefits of Living Organ Donation
Each transplant is a “new miracle every time,” says Paul Tso, MD, kidney and pancreas transplant surgeon at Emory Healthcare.
To qualify for a transplant, patients must be in very advanced stages of disease or organ failure. Options for care include dialysis or a transplant. Dr. Tso says that transplant is the better option for people who are healthy enough. “They're going to have better function. They'll be able to work and play and have a more normal and longer life,” he says.
Each transplant is a new miracle every time.
A living donor match often means the patient can receive a kidney much faster than waiting on the transplant list. Keeping living organ donors healthy after the procedure is also a priority, Dr. Tso says.
If someone is considering donating a kidney but isn’t a match for a family member or friend, they can still help save a life. The Emory Transplant Center can match a donor with a different recipient and arrange a swap with other patients and donors.
“Imagine the recipient,” says Christy. “They are at such a low place in their life. They really need you.”
For Nick, the experience of donating a kidney to Christy was incredibly fulfilling.
“It made me feel like I had a purpose,” Nick says. “To save somebody's life is miraculous, and it helps you cherish and value your life much more.”
— Nick, Christy's fiancé and kidney donor
Christy hopes those waiting on a transplant know that brighter days are ahead. “It’s not a 100% complete fix, but it gives you a second chance at life,” she says. “You are going to feel better.”

What Better Time than Now?
Since Christy’s transplant, the couple feels closer. The experience deepened confidence in their future together. Sometimes they marvel at what they experienced together.
“We’ll look at each other, like, here we are,” says Christy. “That happened.”
Good health continues to be a priority for the couple. They continue to eat right and exercise.
“I understand that I feel better because I have a working, functioning kidney,” Christy says. “I continue to work on my health because I was just given a second chance at life.”
“We know we can overcome anything,” Nick says. “As long as we have each other, we know we will come out stronger on the other side.”
With Christy’s health stabilized, they felt ready to take the next step in their relationship—getting married. “Everyone jokes with us ‘well, you have his kidney. I don’t think he’s going anywhere,’” says Christy. “We’re in a new life and a new chapter. What better time than now?”
In January 2025—on the 3-year anniversary of the kidney transplant—the happy, healthy couple got married.
"We know we can overcome anything. As long as we have each other, we know we will come out stronger on the other side."
— Nick, Christy's fiancé and kidney donor
Photo credit: Diana Flores Photography
Photo credit: Diana Flores Photography
Turn to People You Can Trust
Emory Transplant Center is a leader in clinical excellence and pioneering new transplant therapies. We offer progressive technology and superior outcomes in:
- Heart transplant
- Kidney transplant
- Liver transplant
- Lung transplant
- Pancreas transplant
Our patients come from across the nation because of our expertise and proven patient outcomes. Emory Healthcare has performed over 12,000 transplants, making us one of the top transplant programs in the nation.