Pregnant woman holding ultrasound images

Maternity Center

Maternity Center at Emory Decatur Hospital

Exceptional Care for Parents and Baby

Deciding to have a baby is one of the biggest decisions you’ll make, and selecting where to have your baby is the next big step in your joyful journey. As the preferred destination for thousands of Atlanta families each year, Emory Decatur Hospital is here for you.

We’ll inspire, empower and support you to create the birthing experience you want. We’ll offer you high-quality care based on the latest advances and, just as importantly, respect for you. Here, we’ll treat your whole health and address your physical, emotional and spiritual needs through a holistic approach to your prenatal and postnatal care. Count on care that’s woman-centered and empowering at every stage of your pregnancy, labor, delivery and recovery.

Comprehensive Care for Your Peace of Mind

At Emory Decatur Hospital, you’ll have unmatched access to some of the top doctors in the region and the latest advances in maternity and newborn care. Whether you need it or not, your care will be shaped and influenced by the best practices in the field and you’ll always have access to comprehensive maternity services, including:

  • Maternal-fetal specialists to guide you through a high-risk pregnancy
  • A level III neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) should your baby need extra care and attention
  • Breastfeeding support to guide you on your journey
  • Always-available providers to answer your questions and ease your mind
  • Personalized care devoted to helping you experience the birth plan you intended—and a commitment to keeping you and baby healthy and safe

Baby-Friendly for Safe, Compassionate Care

Emory Decatur Hospital was the first hospital in Georgia to be recognized as a Baby-Friendly hospital. This designation demonstrates our team’s commitment to helping you build lasting bonds with your baby in those first moments of life. That includes:

  • The opportunity to hold your baby skin to skin (against your chest) immediately after delivery. Research has shown that skin to skin contact helps calm newborns, regulates their temperatures, reduces their heart rate, helps moms heal from delivery and promotes breastmilk production.
  • Rooming in with baby to nurture your bonding experience and breastfeeding journey.
  • Dedicated breastfeeding support to provide compassionate and understanding advice to you as you begin to establish breastfeeding habits and routines.

Above all, our Baby-Friendly designation is our commitment to making sure you are comfortable and confident at every stage of your pregnancy, labor, delivery and recovery and that your baby’s start in life is positive, loving and welcoming.

We’re also honored to be nationally recognized as an Infant Safe Sleep hospital, which showcases our team’s commitment to educating and empowering families to make safe choices when it comes to babies’ sleep.

Building Your Bond with Baby

Your birthing and recovery experience should be centered around you and baby. That’s what you’ll find at the Maternity Center, located on the Emory Decatur Hospital campus. Our labor, delivery and recovery rooms allow you to stay in one comfortable space as you prepare to meet your baby.

When you’re ready to move into our Mother and Baby rooms, you’ll find a quiet, peaceful place to rest and recover. We’ve taken care of the details so you can focus on building your bond with baby. Use our complimentary high-speed Internet access, relax in your private bathroom and connect with your support person as they stay overnight.

Empowering You with Information, Education

You want to be ready and feel confident when it comes time to meet baby and bring them home. Our online birthing and baby classes can help you do just that. We offer classes on a wide range of topics, from breastfeeding, infant CPR, parent support groups and much more. Find the class that’s right for you.
Expecting parents can also view our online education resources and tools.

Pre-Admission Registration Form

Prior to proceeding with the Pre-admission process, please review and accept Emory Healthcare's Joint Notice of Health Information Privacy Practices. Below, at the end of the form, you will be asked to accept acknowledgment of the Notice of Privacy Practices in the Use and Disclosure of Personal Health Information.

You will need to reference information on your Insurance card during this process. If you have any questions concerning during the pre-registration process, please contact us at 404-501-1389.

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* View our call center hours

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