Emory Healthcare Network
2201 Henderson Mill Rd.
Suite 160
Atlanta, GA 30345

Emory Healthcare
Network Advantage
ACO Name and Location
ACO Primary Contact
Susan Helton
Vice-President, Performance Management & Care Coordination
Phone Number: 404-778-7598
ACO Participants
Governing Body
Emory Healthcare Network Advantage Leadership
Key ACO Clinical and Administrative Leadership
ACO Executive: S. Patrick Hammond
Medical Director: Daniel Salinas, MD
Compliance Officer: Terrie Estes
Quality Assurance/Improvement Officer: Tina-Ann Thompson, MD
Associated Committees and Committee Leadership
Committee Name: Medical Directors Committee
Committee Leader: Daniel Salinas, MD, Medical Director
Types of ACO Participants, or Combinations of Participants, That Formed the ACO:
ACO professionals in a group practice arrangement.
Shared Savings and Losses
Amount of shared savings/losses:
Fourth Agreement Period
- Performance Year 2023, N/A
Third Agreement Period
- Performance Year 2022, N/A
Second Agreement Period
- Performance Year 2021, N/A
- Performance Year 2020: $6,918,488.93
Shared savings distribution:
Fourth Agreement Period
- Performance Year 2023
- Proportion invested in infrastructure: N/A
- Proportion invested in redesigned care processes/resources: N/A
- Proportion of distribution to ACO participants: N/A
Third Agreement Period
- Performance Year 2022
- Proportion invested in infrastructure: N/A
- Proportion invested in redesigned care processes/resources: N/A
- Proportion of distribution to ACO participants: N/A
- Performance Year 2021
- Proportion invested in infrastructure: N/A
- Proportion invested in redesigned care processes/resources: N/A
- Proportion of distribution to ACO participants: N/A
First Agreement Period
- Performance Year 2020
- Proportion invested in infrastructure: 50%
- Proportion invested in redesigned care processes/resources: 16%
- Proportion of distribution to ACO participants: 34%
Quality Performance Results
2023 Quality Performance Results
Quality performance results are based on the CMS Web Interface.
[1] A lower performance rate corresponds to higher quality.
[2] CAHPS for MIPS Survey is a composite measure, so numerator and denominator values are not applicable (N/A). The Reported Performance Rate column shows the CAHPS for MIPS Survey composite score. The CAHPS for MIPS Survey composite score is calculated as the average number of points across scored Summary Survey Measures (SSMs). Refer to Table 5 for details on CAHPS for MIPS Survey performance.
[3] For PY 2023, the CMS Web Interface measures Quality ID#: 438 and Quality ID#: 370 do not have benchmarks, and therefore, were not scored. They are, however, required to be reported in order to complete the Web Interface measure set. If they are not reported, the CMS Web Interface measure set denominator is increased by 10 points for each measure that is not reported, resulting in a lower health equity adjusted quality performance score. For more information, refer to the Performance Year 2023 APM Performance Pathway: CMS Web Interface Measure Benchmarks for ACOs: https://qpp.cms.gov/resources/document/a393204f-a4d3-49f6-a46e-aa1134a89e34
For more information on the 2023 Quality Benchmarks and the future direction of quality benchmarks for 2024: https://qpp.cms.gov/benchmarks
[4] For PY 2023, ACOs that report quality data via the APP and do not meet the quality performance standard can meet the alternative quality performance standard. To meet the alternative quality performance standard, ACOs must achieve a quality performance score equivalent to or higher than the 10th percentile of the performance benchmark on at least 1 of the 4 outcome measures in the APP measure set. The quality performance score refers to the measure performance rate for all measures except for CAHPS for MIPS Survey, which is a composite measure and therefore its decile score is used. For inverse measures (i.e., Quality ID#: 001, Measure # 479, and Measure # 484), lower performance rates indicate better performance. As such, achieving the 10th percentile or a higher percentile equates to achieving the 10th percentile performance rate value or a lower performance rate.
[5] Equals Yes if the measure is an outcome measure for purposes of determining the alternative quality performance standard. Otherwise equals No.
For previous years’ Financial and Quality Performance Results, please visit: data.cms.gov
Payment Rule Waivers
Waiver for Payment for Telehealth Services
Our ACO clinicians provide telehealth services using the flexibilities under 42 CFR § 425.612(f) and 42 CFR § 425.613.