
Seavey Clinic

Make a Difference

Support the Seavey Clinic:

  • Innovating new approaches to patient care.
  • Educating tomorrow's providers in the foundations of internal medicine.
  • Conducting cutting-edge research. 
When people receive high-quality primary care, their maladies are diagnosed accurately and managed effectively before they grow into crises. Patients learn to rely on a trusted physician who takes ample time to listen carefully to their concerns and safeguard their long-term health and wellness. These are the very skills and attributes for which our mentor and former leader, Dr. Paul Seavey, was most known, and about which he was most passionate.

The Paul W. Seavey Comprehensive Internal Medicine Clinic combines innovative new models of team-based healthcare delivery with educating future providers in the fundamentals of internal medicine. We support research that expands our understanding of health and wellness and nurtures the curiosity of our doctors and medical students.

The Seavey Clinic is unique in its ability to provide so many benefits to its students, physicians, and patients. It is a classroom, a laboratory, and a practice site that is focused on providing the very best care to its patients, while furthering the field of medicine and educating those who will provide critical skills for generations to come.

The Seavey Clinic depends on philanthropy to fund its teaching mission, patient care mission, faculty development, and research. Philanthropy is essential to our continued success-it is through philanthropic support that the Seavey Clinic was created, and how we will continue to grow our programs and impact.

There are many different ways in which your support can help us with these goals. You can designate your gift to any of the following funds and projects:

Education and Patient Care

The Paul W. Seavey Internal Medicine Clinic works to recruit, train, and mentor more primary care physicians. We are educating the next generation of leaders in internal medicine. The Outpatient Experience program and the Adult Primary Care 3rd Year Clerkships at Emory University School of Medicine are critical components of accomplishing this mission. Gifts directed to education and patient care would enable the clinic to fully develop all components necessary to be a model academic internal medicine practice.


Support for research is critical to further the cutting-edge innovation in primary care and internal medicine for which the Seavey Clinic is known, as well as for recruiting and retaining talented physicians. Gifts directed to the Seavey Clinic Discovery Fund support research by Emory University School of Medicine faculty and physicians in the Seavey Clinic and help to train future clinician-scientists.

Faculty Professional Development

Providing opportunities and support for professional and academic development is critical to Emory’s continued recruitment and retention of high-quality faculty-physicians. Gifts toward faculty professional development allow the Seavey Clinic to increase continued education opportunities, better support faculty teaching and research, and broaden opportunities for collaboration and innovation.

Clinical Care and Operations

The Seavey Clinic’s essential operations include adopting a team-based model of care, restructuring clinical support roles, and integrating physician assistants and nurse practitioners in the Seavey Clinic to make patient care more personalized, accessible, and available. Gifts directed to clinical care support clinical operations for the Emory General Internal Medicine Clinic. Named endowment funds would sustain this work in perpetuity.

Thank you for your interest in supporting the Paul W. Seavey Comprehensive Internal Medicine Clinic at Emory University. Your support is critical to our mission. For more information or if you have questions about donating to the Seavey Clinic, contact Ashley Michaud at or 404-778-1250.