
Pickleball Wellness
& Injury Prevention

Playing Pickleball?

Pickleball is the fastest-growing sport in America, with more than 35 million players. It’s easy to learn, fast-paced, and social — some might even say addictive. But as with any sport, pickleball can lead to injuries. At Emory Sports Medicine Center, we offer specialized care for players of all ages and abilities. We aim to help you prevent injuries and get you back on the court as quickly and safely as possible if you do get hurt.

Make an Appointment

If you have a pickleball-related injury, schedule an appointment with one of our experts.
Schedule online or call 404-778-3350.

Common Pickleball Injuries

Pickleball is an active sport that requires athletic movements, from scooping up a low return to lunging for a well-placed serve. The most common pickleball-related injuries affect your legs, ankles, and feet, but also shoulder and elbow, and can include:

Older adults have an increased risk for injury since they may come to the sport with pre-existing wear-and-tear injuries, such as knee meniscus tears and arthritis. Players with balance issues (common among older adults) are at a higher risk of falling, which can lead to broken bones. A dynamic warm-up and other measures can help you reduce your risk.

Do a Dynamic Warm-up

The tennis medicine experts at Emory Sports Medicine developed Tennis 10+, a dynamic warm-up program for adults of all ages. Although originally designed for tennis players, the evidence-based program is also ideal for other racquet sports players since those sports involve similar athletic movements and use the same muscle groups.

Tennis 10+ incorporates 10 different exercises and takes only 5 to 10 minutes to complete before every match. After playing pickleball, do a gradual cool-down routine with low-intensity cardio (such as a light jog) and major muscle group stretches.

Additional Pickleball Injury Prevention and Wellness Tips

  • Pace yourself. If you play too often or maintain a high-intensity level, you may increase your injury risk. Start by playing up to three times a week and assess how you feel after a few weeks. Then you can decide whether more or less pickleball makes sense for you.
  • Return gradually. Return to play gradually after an injury. As part of our program, our sports medicine specialists may provide an on-court evaluation during your recovery. They can check your body mechanics, movement, and progress.
  • Improve flexibility and strength. Consider working with a personal trainer from Emory Healthcare of a local gym to improve muscle strength, flexibility, and balance.

Injured? Get Help.

Listen to your body, and don’t “push through” an injury. If your symptoms don’t improve after a few days with rest, ice, compression and elevation (RICE), and over-the-counter pain medication, consider making an appointment with a specialist at Emory Sports Medicine.

Schedule your appointment online or call 404-778-3350.

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