
Clinic Hero


Clinic Hero


Developer Notes

  • Component resides inside the EH Page Content tab in the Toolbox by the name EH Hero Banner.
  • Hero has two variants: current one, displayed below, is Clinic Hero variant.
  • Applicable fields for this variant are: 
    • BackgroundImage : field to select the image of the hero banner.
    • Title:field to add title, displayed on the hero banner in H1 heading option.
  • An example of the component is shown HERE
  • The Clinic Hero logo is not editable in Experience Editor and has been added via the media library.
  • The EMORY CLINIC text is added using Dictionary item: /sitecore/content/EH/Emory/Emory Dictionary/Clinic Hero/Emory Clinic

Content Author Notes

If you're page doesn't have a hero, below is how to add, edit & manage your hero banner. 

1. Click the 'Add Component' button located on the top left corner of the toolbar. Hint: Ensure you are 'Design' View. You can check this under the 'View' design Tab. 


2. Once you insert 'Hero Banner' Rendering, you will be promoted to select or create a new data source. Name the data source and save. 

3. You will be able to select a variant of the hero banner. Select 'Clinic Hero' for Clinic Hero Banner. 

4. To edit the the hero banner, please ensure that you are in 'Edit' Mode under the 'View' Ribbon. 

5. Click the image, a dialog box will appear to select, edit or remove the image. Click 'Add' Image Icon. 

6. Another window will appear to search or scroll through the media library. You will be able to select the image. 

7. Once the image is selected, type in text in the text placeholder. Save Component. 

8. Text will shift in the hero banner. To edit the font color or indent, open up paint bucket settings. You will be able to update indent, spacing, margins and font. You can also select a background color if no image is selected. 

9. Content Authors should save and publish changes. 


Clinic Hero:

  • The Clinic Hero is a variant of the Base Hero.
  • The Clinic Hero would be used on any Emory Clinic pages and contains a ribbon located at the bottom of the hero image
  • The ribbon should include the Emory Clinic Logo via the media library (Fixed)
  • The Ribbon should extend fill width of the hero
  • The Emory Clinic subtext will be added via dictionary
  • The background color of the ribbon should be applied via paint bucket


  • See above, content is stacked