- Video is an OOB SXA component, we have made no customizations to it.
- The component resides inside the Media tab in the Toolbox by the name Video.
- The component has no variant for CA selection.
- Applicable fields for this variant:
- Youtube video ID: field to add YouTube Video ID.
- An example of the component is shown HERE.
- CAs should note that whenever this component is added, it takes the entire width of the container. They can adjust/change the width using Grid Settings
- The video will always play inline.
- The component has an option to expand the video to full screen using the last icon on the bottom-right section of the video.
EHC Video Code
Developer Notes
Content Author Notes
1. To add a video to a page, select to place a new item on the page then navigate to Media and select Video.
2. Once the component has been added to the page, use the movie real icon to add the video in whatever format is needed, Youtube ID, media library item, etc.
- The Video component can be added as an individual component to any page.
- The Video component consists of the following fields:
- You tube Video ID (CA should specify You tube ID)
- The Video will play inline.
- This component must follow accessibility standards for alt text, and keyboard navigation.
- See requirements above, responsive.