Emory Hillandale Hospital is locations at:
2801 Dekalb Medical Pkwy
Lithonia, GA 30058
Emory Hillandale Hospital is locations at:
2801 Dekalb Medical Pkwy
Lithonia, GA 30058
From Interstate 20 East
Take exit #71 and turn left onto Panola Road. At the third traffic light, turn right onto Snapfinger Woods Drive. Drive 1 mile. Emory Hillandale Hospital is on the right.
From Interstate 20 West
Take exit #71 and turn right onto Panola Road. At the third traffic light, turn right onto Snapfinger Woods Drive. Drive 1 mile. Emory Hillandale Hospital is on the right.
For visits to the 5910 or 5900 office buildings (doctor's offices), physical therapy, the outpatient lab, or mammography services, please park on the side of the hospital facing Hillandale Drive.
For visits to the emergency department or imaging services, or if you are visiting someone in the hospital, please park on the side of the hospital facing Snapfinger Woods Drive.
Route 111 Snapfinger Woods
This route operates East/West from Indian Creek Station to Mall at Stonecrest along Redan Rd. S. Hairston Rd., Covington Hwy., Wesley Chapel Rd., Snapfinger Woods Dr., Hillandale Dr., Chupp Rd., Turner Hill Rd., and Mall Pkwy.