
Emory Long-Term Acute Hospital

About Long-Term Acute Care

What is Long-Term Acute Care?

A long-term acute care (LTAC) facility is a specialty-care hospital designed for patients with serious medical problems that require intense, special treatment for an extended period of time—usually 20 to 30 days. LTACs offer more individualized and resource-intensive care than a skilled nursing facility, nursing home, or acute rehabilitation facility. Patients are typically transferred to a long-term acute care hospital from the intensive care unit of a traditional hospital because they no longer require intensive diagnostic procedures offered by a traditional facility.

While a traditional hospital provides several general medical specialties, such as emergency care, maternity care, etc., a long-term acute care hospital has the focused resources to apply very high standards to a relatively small list of ailments.

Emory Long-Term Acute Care is designed specifically to treat medically complex patients who require a carefully coordinated care plan that aims for whole health through the aggressive treatment of both primary and secondary problems. Common problems we address include wounds that won’t heal, pulmonary issues, and a variety of other health conditions.

Emory Long-Term Acute Care also provides a family support group for the loved ones of current and former patients. We offer this group as an opportunity for families to share their experiences and provide support to one another.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does LTAC differ from a regular hospital?

LTAC’s specialty is treating patients who require a longer period of closely monitored healthcare. While other hospitals typically care for patients for only a few days, our expertise allows patients to recover without strict time limits.

We also have developed programs, such as our pulmonary/vent weaning service, rehabilitation service, and wound care service, which are more specialized than those offered in a traditional hospital setting. Medicare and private insurance companies recognize that hospitals such as Emory Long-Term Acute Care's LTAC can provide more comprehensive and cost-effective treatment for certain patients by focusing their efforts on a specific population of patients with specialized treatment needs.

Is LTAC really a nursing home or a rehabilitation center?

We are an acute care hospital. Our facility must go through the same licensing and inspections that any other hospital is required to operate. The main differences between us and other hospitals are the length of time that our patients stay and the specialized population of patients that we treat.

How long is a patient typically here?

On average, our patients stay anywhere from 20 to 30 days. Some require a longer stay, while others may be discharged in a shorter period of time.

How often will a doctor visit?

At any hospital, each patient must be seen and evaluated daily by a physician. Our physicians also employ nurse practitioners and physician assistants (PAs) who visit with patients and provide clinical information to the physicians.

How is a treatment plan put together?

Patients are evaluated by a representative from each specialized discipline. Once a week, representatives from all the major clinical disciplines— including nursing, respiratory care, rehabilitation services, pharmacy, and care management— meet for patient care conferences to discuss patient care plans. Goals for patients are set at each conference and discussed with the attending physician.

Is it possible to see the facility?

View our Virtual Tour

Who do I call if I have a question or concern?

Talk to the nurse who is providing the care. If he or she cannot resolve your problem to your satisfaction, contact the appropriate manager. Phone numbers for the managers can be found on the Helpful Phone Number Card or at the front desk. We want to know about any problems as quickly as possible so that they can be promptly resolved. The nurse, patient care tech (PCT), and respiratory therapist will be carrying phones. Their phone numbers are located on the board at the foot of the patient's bed.

If you have additional questions or need more information, please call 404-501-6226.