
Facial Peel

There are many different environmental and internal factors that can affect skin health and beauty.

While our skin is an extremely resilient and adaptable organ, it cannot cope with all of the stress we put it through on a daily basis. Sometimes, it is just best to start fresh. There are several different minimally invasive skin treatments available, but facial peels are one of the most versatile procedures for improving a wide range of the skin’s aesthetic and health issues.

Chemical peels use a precise mix of compounds to carefully destroy and remove superficial layers of skin that are damaged by aging, sun damage, skin conditions, the environment, smoking, and genetics. Once the procedure is complete, old skin will gradually flake and "peel" off to reveal a fresh, new, and more youthful skin tone. Facial peels can be used to improve problems such as:

  • Dull skin
  • Rough complexion
  • Discoloration
  • Sun damage
  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Acne scars

There are many different formulas of gentle facial peels available, ranging from mild skin refreshers to more in-depth formulas that provide greater rejuvenation and anti-aging results.

At Emory Aesthetic Center, we offer the following types of facial peels to suit a wide range of patient needs:

  • Salicylic and Lactic Acid Peels
  • SkinMedica Illuminize Peel
  • SkinMedica Vitalize Peel
  • SkinMedica Rejuvenize Peel
  • Glycolic Peels
  • ZO® Three Step Peel
  • Modified Jessner's Peel

Though most peels are designed for use on the face, we do offer body peels at our office, as well. Body peels are excellent for people with more extensive sun damage that extends beyond the face. Areas that can be treated include the chest, back, and arms.

Facial Peel Consultations

Chemical peels are a highly custom treatment, and you will need to discuss your goals with one of our cosmetic surgeons or licensed aestheticians to determine the treatment plan that is right for both your goals and budget. During your consultation, you have time to discuss your skin concerns and goals. We will perform an in-person evaluation and recommend the best treatment. You will learn about all the options available to you, and have the opportunity to ask questions and address any concerns you have about the process.

Your consultation is an essential first step in getting the results you want, so bring your questions and an open mind. Only an expert can give you specific recommendations for the type of treatment that is best for you and your needs.

*Spa services are not covered by insurance.

Facial Peel Candidates

While chemical peels are an effective and popular treatment, they are not a good fit for everyone. Good candidates are fair-skinned people with sun damage, mild to moderate signs of aging, acne scars, or pre-cancerous skin lesions. Candidates will need to understand the limitations of the procedure and should take any treatment advice provided by our surgeons seriously, as they know which treatments are recommend to suit each patient's needs.

Our facial peels are safe and effective for patients with darker skin. Even women who are nursing or who are pregnant have options in facial peels, as well. Unfortunately, they may not be appropriate for people who have used Accutane within the last 6 months or people with certain skin conditions. At your consultation appointment, your Emory physician will discuss the best facial peel options for your unique situation.

Facial Peel Procedure

Most peels do not require any type of anesthesia. During the procedure, the chemical solution is first applied to the skin, and remains for a precise amount of time, allowing the agents to destroy damaged skin cells. Though there are different formulas of peels available, the application of the solution is the same. Once the peel is complete, the skin will be neutralized. It is a very simple process, but should only be performed by a qualified cosmetic surgeon or licensed aesthetician, experienced with using these powerful chemicals. Most peel sessions are very brief, but the length of time will depend on the type of peel and goals of the treatment.

Facial Peel Recovery

For superficial facial peels, there is little downtime and only minor side effects, such as redness and slight swelling. More in-depth peels may require several days of downtime as the top tissue peels off and becomes replaced with bright, new skin. Crusting and scabbing may occur following deeper peels. It is important to care for your skin properly, as well as to avoid touching your face as much as possible.

Your cosmetic surgeon or licensed aesthetician will provide you with instructions for aftercare, including activity limitations, how to cleanse and moisturize your face, dos and don'ts, and information about sun exposure avoidance. Be sure to follow these directions as closely as possible, as how you care for your skin following treatment will affect your final results.

Facial Peel FAQs

Facial Peel - Emory Aesthetic Center Non-Surgical Services