
Bleeding Disorders Treatments

Treatments & Services

The Emory Bleeding Disorders Clinic is an integrated, multidisciplinary clinic that incorporates physician, nurse practitioners and nursing expertise in bleeding disorders with infectious disease providers, physical therapy, social work and community outreach services. In addition to managing medications to prevent and treat bleeding, we seek to address all aspects of a patient’s bleeding disorder through healthcare providers in clinic and through collaboration with other Emory Healthcare departments including Orthopedics, Gynecology, Infectious Diseases and Psychiatry.

We also actively work to coordinate care with local providers by communicating about your bleeding disorder, sending clinic notes to other physicians (as designated by the patient) and providing treatment plans for invasive procedures.

We also partner with Hemophilia of Georgia, which provides the necessary outreach support to patients in the home and their communities. Our team understands bleeding disorders and can provide specialized care at all times.


Make an Appointment
To make an appointment, please call 404-778-7062.