Emory Transplant Center patient Sherrell Gay was given a second chance at life, twice. On New Year’s Day, Sherrell was able to honor those who gave her the gift of life in the 131st Tournament of Roses Parade. Sherrell, the recipient of two life-saving heart transplants and a kidney transplant, honored her donors and their families by riding on the Donate Life Rose Parade Float.
This year’s float, with the 2020 theme of “Light in the Darkness,” highlighted the power of unity, light and love, as celebrated during Southeast Asia’s Diwali, or the Festival of Lights, a celebration of light shining in the darkness. The float honored donors, recipients and their families who have been involved with organ, eye or tissue donation, and hopes to serve as a platform for inspiring others to heal and save the lives of those in need.
Sherrell is thankful for her donors and their families, and has made it her life mission to be a passionate advocate for organ donation. She is an active volunteer with LifeLink of Georgia, a mentor with Georgia Transplant Foundation and the co-manager of Team Georgia.
“I live every day to the fullest and honor my donors with everything I do. Without them, I wouldn’t have had these bonus years. The experiences allow me to be the face of hope for those waiting for transplant. I am thankful to God for a great life,” says Sherrell.